Accounting Professionals

You manage the relationship with your client, we do all the work.

NetAdvizor Professional

Scoping Analysis

One of the biggest reasons why accounting firms and CPAs struggle with their bookkeeping processes is because their scoping process isn't airtight. Our proprietary Scoping Analysis and Discovery Process creates a monthly checklist, breaks down the detailed chart of accounts, and creates a service model for each client to be served effeciently.

Learn about our Scoping Analysis process

Ongoing Monthly Bookkeeping

Consider our team an extension of yours and we are working behind the scenes for your firm. NetAdvizor completes and fulfills the monthly bookkeeping on behalf of your firm, without having to use resources to hire an internal bookkeeper or staff to complete these bookkeeping tasks.

We have accounting processes and procedures to complete the onboarding of the client, complete any back work, monthly reconciliations, fixed asset tracking, compliance and due diligence, and closing months in a timely fashion with accurate data and financials.

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Financial Reporting & Deliverables

While managing the relationship with your bookkeeping client, they also receive a deliverable that has accurate data so they can make quick decisions and allows your firm to complete a tax return in a timely fashion without all the back and forth from the client. We not only provide a customized dashboard system for your firm to present the data, but you will also receive financial reports to deliver to your client.

Profit & Loss Statement:
This indicates the revenue a business earned over a certain period of time and shows a business's profitability. It includes a net income equal to the revenues and gains minus the expenses and losses.

Balance Sheet: This displays a business's financial status at the end of a certain time period. It offers an overview of a business's liabilities, assets, and shareholder equity.

Cash Flow Statement: Details a business's cash flows during certain time periods and indicates if a business made or lost cash during that period of time.